We will
investigate this lesson in three parts.
In this section
we will investigate three important aspects of this truth.
A. God is a person
B. God is spirit
C. God is one
A. God is a Person
A person has
ability to think, choose, plan and make decisions. It is in God that we
discover what the real description of a person is. We do not look to mankind
for that description.
characteristics of being a person which are found in God
*God creates (Gen.1:1)
*God thinks (Isa.55:8)
*God plans, makes decisions (Gen.2:18)
B. God is Spirit
God is spirit
and has no special form or body. He is invisible from His creatures. The spirit
has no special form and does not consist of any shapes or parts. (Dt.4:15; Jn.1:18; 4:24 ; 1Ti.1:17) How then do we understand
that Moses “saw” God? (Ex.33:11, 19-23) He saw the reflection
of God’s glory, not the entire essence of God. When the Scriptures speak of God’s
“hand, foot, eye, ear” or similar expressions, it does not mean that God has a body.
These are anthropomorphisms (allegories), by which God's senses are expressed so
that people can understand (Isa.59:1, 2)
C. God is One
By “God is
one” we speak of three concepts.
a. God's numeric existence
b. God's singleness
c. God’s Trinity (triunity)
a. God's Numeric Existence
This means
that He is the only God, there is no other God. (Dt.4:35, 39; Isa.45:22; Mk.12:29) Every being in the universe has
originated from Him. They obtain their ability to live and find their ends
through Him. God is the only one in the universe Who is self-existent (not
created) and sovereign. All other beings are from Him, through Him and for Him.
(Acts 17:24-28; 1 Co .8:6; Eph. 4:6)
b. God's Singleness
This means
that there is no one like Him. He is the only one; unequaled, indispensable,
peculiar in the universe. (Ex.15:11;
2Sa.7:22; 1 Ki.8:23)
c. God is Trinity (triunity)
By saying
“Trinity” we refer to God’s inner unity. This means that God's substance is not
single and is more than one person's unity and yet is inseparable. It is
possible that this idea may be difficult to understand, but one needs to read
the Scriptural testimonies with endurance, they show that the one and only God
is also united in three.
the Scripture we find that God, while one, is not a single person, He is three
persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The unity of these three is so
assimilated that they are inseparable. God said, “Let Us make man in Our image,
in Our likeness”. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He
created him; male and female He created them. (Ge.1:26, 27) This text indicates that God is not a single person. In
the expression “God said” the action “said” is put in the singular; it is
written “said” not “they said” Likewise, the word “image” is singular, but
behind that image is not a single person, but plural. It is written: “Our.” Someone
may say, “It is possible that God has spoken with the angels.” If He were
speaking with the angels, it would be written; “God created the human being in
His and the angels images”. But it is written, “God created man in His own
image, in the image of God He created him.” It is very clear that God is the
only Creator; therefore Angels would not be participant
in the human being's creation. (Ro.11:34-36)
Another Scripture passage says, “The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the
same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be
impossible for them.7Come, let Us go down and confuse their language
so they will not understand each other.” 9The Lord confused the
language there”. (Ge.11:6, 7, 9) In this Scripture we see what we saw in the
previous example. “The Lord said! Come let Us go down and confuse their
language”, and then it is written; “The Lord confused”. The executor of the action
is both plural and singular. “Come let Us confuse” and “The Lord confused”. We
see that the One Who confused the language is the only God. Yet, the expression
“Come let Us go down” shows that the speaker refers to more than one person. In
the Hebrew manuscript the word “Come” is put in plural form. If the word were
limited to one person, it would be written “Come (singular) let me go down” not
“Come (plural) let Us go down”. We could cite many other examples from the Scripture
which reveal this triunity, but we present you only some of them. (Mt.3:16, 17; 28:19; Jn.3:16; 16:13 -15; Acts 5:3, 4; Heb. 1:8, 9) It
is necessary to point out that in Hebrew a noun has three numbers. They are:
singular, twin and plural. The word “God” in Hebrew manuscript is neither
singular nor twin, but always plural: “Gods”. When we see God in the Scriptures
and know Him more and more, we are assured of these truths:, that God's three
persons are ingenious, inseparable, they are in close communication with each
other, and each of them expresses God's essence peculiarly.
Very often people try to understand
God's “three person unity” through something that might resemble it, but there
is no perfect resemblance. That is because He is the Creator, and everything
and everyone else are creatures. In conclusion, the God of Scripture is one, is
the only one, and is unity. He is not three persons with three faces, but three
persons united with one image.
In this section
we will investigate two important categories of this truth.
A. God's moral/ethical description
B. The description of God's abilities
A. God’s Moral/Ethical Description
In this area
of our study, we will investigate two key moral/ethical attributes of God:
a. God is Holy
b. God is Love
Some might say
“Doesn’t God have other ethical/moral attributes?” For example, is He not
merciful, kind, sweet, tolerant, just, true, impartial, and more? Yes, that is
indeed true. But all of these other attributes are derived and flow out of
God's holiness and love. It is important to note that these two attributes are
equal to each other. Neither is greater than the other.
a. God is Holy
When we say that God is Holy, we mean two things. We are referring to God's holy condition/state and God's holy
position/attitude. When we speak of God’s holy condition/state,
we mean that there is no guilt in Him.
There is no illegitimacy, spite, cunning, lying or darkness. He is perfect
light and totally pure. Because of his holy condition, God has justice, truth,
impartiality and fairness in his punishment for sin. (Ps. 19:9; Isa.6:3; 1Jn.1:5)
By God's holy position/attitude, we
indicate that God, in proportional sequence, is higher than all beings and is
unique and alone in perfect holiness. There is no one like him. (Isa.57:15; Rev.4:8) By saying “Holy” we
mean God’s condition/state and position (attitude). We can bring many
testimonies from the Holy Bible that explain this meaning, but in every lesson in
this series we will continue to see who God is and what His qualities are..
b. God is Love
God is love,
but love is not God. God is filled with love's filling but the filling isn't
God. (Jn.3:16; 1Jn.4:7-10, 16) It is
from God's love that He is merciful, sweet, tolerant, comforter, forgiver and the
giver of blessings. The greatest evidence of God’s love is the giving of His
son Jesus Christ , Who has been sacrificed on the
cross, so that people's sins could be forgiven.
B. The Description of God’s Abilities
In this section
we'll investigate five aspects of God’s abilities. We will see that:
God is almighty
God is ever-present
God is all-knowing
God is all-wise (prudent)
God is eternal and unchangeable
a. God is Almighty (Omnipotent)
almightiness is visible in His works. God never uses His omnipotence in a
sinful or spiteful way. He uses His abilities to treat all with kindness and goodness.
He makes the impossible, possible. When He does so, He does not cross the
border of right or the border of righteousness. (Gen 17:1; Job 37:23; Mt. 19:26; Heb. 1:3) There are Religions which represent their “god’s”
almightiness in unrighteous doing (works) as well as good. This is evidence
that those teaching are not from God. For example, in the book of Hindu
Krishnan “Bhagavad-Gita as it is” in 10:36; it is written that their god is the
greatest liar. They surmise that if he is almighty in everything, that he must
be almighty in evil. But the faithful God of the Bible is Holy and does not lie.
God is omnipotent, but His almightiness is limited to good!
b. God is Ever-Present (Omnipresent)
By saying that
God is ubiquitous, we mean that His presence is everywhere, nothing is covered
from him. (1 Kings 8:27; Ps. 139:6-10; 2
Ch.16:9) When we speak of God's omnipresence, we do not mean that He exists
“in everything” which Hindu Krishnan teaches. God isn't “in” a worm, fly or any
animal, for He is above everything; He is “with” every person and “within” His
people, who have chosen Him. (Isa.57:15;
Acts 17:24-28; Eph. 4:6;
c. God is All-Knowing (Omniscient)
By saying that God knows
everything, we mean that He is completely informed about everything. There is
nothing hidden from Him in the entire universe. He knows angels' and people's
minds and works, including every program of the devil. There are no secrets for
him. He knows the past, present and future.
(Ps. 33:13-15; 139:1-6, 13-16; Heb. 4:12, 13; Rev. 22 :18 ,
d. God
is All-Wise (Prudent)
The wisdom and knowledge of
God are alike in some ways, but they are also different from each other. For
example, a man may be able to play music, but his lack of wisdom does not allow
him to compose new music. Wisdom is the ability to find solutions to problems. For
example, through Jacob's son Joseph, Pharaoh knew that there would be abundance
and then famine, but he didn’t have the wisdom to act on the problem. God had
given Joseph wisdom to solve the
problem of the famine. Wisdom’s source is the Lord. (Gen. 41:25-46) God has both wisdom and knowledge in everything.
The Lord's wisdom is revealed in every aspect of His creation. (Ps. 147:5; Jer.10:12; Ro.11:33, 34; Jas.1:5)
e. God is Eternal and Unchangeable
(Isa.40:28) By saying “God is eternal,” we mean that He has no beginning and no end.
40; Ps.90:2; Isa.57:15; 1 Ti.6:16; Rev.4:8-10). Some people are astonished and
wonder how it is possible that anyone or anything could be eternal. Yet, it is
very simple when one considers some other “limitless” things. For example,
numbers can go on forever in both the positive and negative directions. Also,
space has limitless boundaries. There is always further to go when you reach
the furthest point that you can imagine. Likewise, time appears limitless.
There will always be a moment before the moment in the past that is as far back
as you can imagine. The same is true about the future. Time's limitlessness and
endlessness is really what eternity is all about. The Creator of eternity is Himself
an eternal person.
By God’s
unchangeableness we mean that God is not subject to variation or change in His
essence or His character. Nothing that can happen in heaven or on earth can or
will cause God to change the essence of Who He is! (Ps. 102:25-27; Isa.43:13; Mal. 3:6; Jas.1:17)
We have now investigated
from the Scriptures three descriptions of Who God is and we have seen seven descriptions
of God’s attributes.
In conclusion,
we can say that God is a person, He is
Spirit and He is One. We can also say that God’s attributes/characteristics
are that He is holy, love, almighty, ever-present,
all-knowing, all-wise (prudent), eternal and unchangeable.
In this section
we will examine God's works in creation. “In the beginning God created the
heavens and earth”. (Gen.1:1) “God
created the heavens, earth, sea and everything in them.” (Acts 14:15 ) “The
God Who made the world and everything in it is Lord of heaven and earth and
does not live in temples built by hands. And He is not served by human hands,
as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives all men life and breath and
everything else. From one man He made every nation of men that they should
inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact
place where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and
perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of
us”. (Acts 17:24-27)
God has
created everything in the heavens and on the earth, both physical and
spiritual. He is the Lord and Creator of limits and times, both in the heavens
and on the earth. As stated above, these works are works that only God could do;
no one else can do these things. Though we have described God and pointed out
that God has created everything, we haven't finished talking about God. We will
learn more about God in the sections dealing with “Man”, “Sin”, “Salvation”,
“Born again”, “Eternal judgment” and others.
Conclusion! God is self-existent Spirit; He is the trinity of Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. He is one, unique and united. There is no God besides Him. He is
perfect in love, holiness, ability, knowledge, wisdom and forever is
unchangeable. Through Him were created the heavens, earth and everything in
them; visible and invisible. He is everywhere on everything, with everyone and
inside of the people who have chosen Him. Every being in the universes has
originated from Him, they obtain their ability to live and find their ends
through Him.
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